Santa Barbara International Film Festival | JOE from DARGAN’S | Video by 805 Productions
Joe is a Dargan’s leading figure in Santa Barbara. Interviewed by Chadd about SBIFF, he will tell us what does he think about today’s film industry. Back in the 60’s and 70’s he had the privilege to work with Charlton Heston, Tom Selleck, Clint Eastwood and many others, and he also had the chance to meet personally Katharine Hepburn… Here is Joe’s true Hollywood story ! Video Production : 805 Productions
- Format: HD
- February 08, 2010
- Event: SBIFF
- Intervieviewee: JOE (Dargan’s figure)
- Reporter: CHADD (Documentary Filmmaker from Colombia)
- Location: DARGAN’S Santa Barbara
- Address: 18 East Ortega Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101
- Video production: 805 Productions Santa Barbara
Post Tagged with805, clint eastwood, dargan's, festival, film, HD, international, interview, irish pub, joe, john wayne, katharine hepburn, production, productions, Santa Barbara, SBIFF, tom selleck, video, Virtual
- Posted by 805 Productions
- Posted in Santa Barbara
- Feb, 03, 2011
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