(805) 618-0036

205 W Montecito St Santa Barbara USA 17 Rue Claude Terrasse Paris 16 France

Videos Portfolio

Ventura Coastal corporate video by 805 Productions Santa Barbara


From Space to The Berry Man, Inc. via Santa Barbara Street Views, take the tour with Google business Photos, produced by 805 Productions Santa Barbara.

Company Video for The Berry Man, Inc. Santa Barbara. “FACES” introduces Guy de Mangeon‘s team.


Calient Technologies is located in Santa Barbara. 805 Productions produced the corporate video "Move the light not the fiber" in 2012. HD Films

Corporate Video for Calient Technologies Santa Barbara. Photonic switching has come of age in next generation data center applications with CALIENT’s new S Series Product Line.


705 Anacapa street Santa Barbara CAFrench restaurant renovation in Santa Barbara


Arthritis Foundation fundraiser Santa Barbara "Taste of the Town" 2012. 805 Productions. http://www.arthritis.org

Event Videos for the Arthritis Foundation. Santa Barbara’s “Taste of the Town” fundraiser.

Event Videos for The Berry Man, Inc. Santa Barbara’s “Taste of the Town” fundraiser.

Santa Barbara's annual Taste of the Town fundraiser at the Riviera Park Gardens.


RESQME NEWS - We pledged to prepare for the unexpected!

Social Video for Nov8 Santa Barbara. Introducing resqme, the keychain rescue tool.

805 Productions Video & Google Productions - Paris - Santa Barbara

Alternative Video Solutions with Professional Results.