Santa Barbara International Film Festival @ Dargan’s | HD video
International Film Festival is back in town. Everybody is talking about films and movie stars. Check it one two one two @ the Irish pub & restaurant Dargan’s!
Joe, a Dargan’s leading figure, interviewed about today’s film industry and James Carmeron’s movie Avatar. Let’s start the tour with a visit of the famous Dargan’s of Santa Barbara.
- Format: HD
- February 08, 2010
- Event: SBIFF
- Intervieviewee: JOE (Dargan’s figure)
- Reporter: CHADD (Documentary Filmmaker from Colombia)
- Location: DARGAN’S
- Address: 18 East Ortega Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101
- Bartender: Patrick Owens
- Video production: 805 Productions Santa Barbara
Post Tagged with805, avatar, Charlton Heston, dargan's, festival, film, HD, Hepburn, international, interview, irish pub, james cameron, Katharine, production, productions, Santa Barbara, SBIFF, video
- Posted by 805 Productions
- Posted in Santa Barbara
- Jan, 31, 2011
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