(805) 618-0036

205 W Montecito St Santa Barbara USA 17 Rue Claude Terrasse Paris 16 France

Le Petit Bistrot Santa Barbara | Google Street View Trusted

Watch “Le Petit Bistrot” first 360-degree interactive tour here:

CLICK and DRAG the image below to visit this new Santa Barbara Restaurant.

Le Petit Bistrot provided authentic French bistrot food. Traditional dishes and modern French bistrot classic dishes are offered in a comfortable setting in the heart of Santa Barbara. Google Street View Trusted created by 805 Productions Santa Barbara.

Le Petit Bistrot provided authentic French bistrot food. Traditional dishes and modern French bistrot classic dishes are offered in a comfortable setting in the heart of Santa Barbara. Google Street View Trusted created by 805 Productions Santa Barbara.

Le Petit Bistrot
532 State St, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, États-Unis

Create your official virtual tour on Google Street View with 805 Productions,
your official Google Street View Trusted provider in Santa Barbara.