Nardonne’s La Famiglia Pizzeria | Google 360º
Watch “Nardonne’s La Famiglia” Santa Barbara first 360-degree interactive tour here:
CLICK and DRAG the image below to navigate the inside of this restaurant.
Our Google Trusted Photographers basically pick up where the Streetview cars left off, taking the street view technology inside Santa Barbara business. Now, when Googling a business you can not only get to its front door, but you can go right inside.
Nardonne’s La Famiglia Pizzeria
17 W Ortega St
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
+1 805-845-4900
Post Tagged with360, 805, Business View, google, Nardonne's, Paris, pizzeria, production, restaurant, Santa Barbara, video, visite virtuelle
- Posted by 805 Productions
- Posted in Google Street View, Santa Barbara
- Mar, 07, 2015
- No Comments.